Friends & Family – Coping with COVID-19

Staying inside and social distancing has become the new norm as the coronavirus pandemic makes its way across the U.S. Families are turning to technology as a way to stay in touch and updated.

In this episode of MotherNature CSI, which focuses on natural and manmade disasters, I knew I wouldn’t be able to interview people one-on-one about how they’re coping, so I turned to my family and friends.

Meet my sister, Laurie. She says staying at home has been positive in many ways, including getting her outside in her garden. Hear more from her in this episode of MotherNature CSI.

Empty playground due to COVID-19

It’s Day 8 here in San Diego, eight days of staying inside and keeping at least six feet from people outside our household. We can get out for essentials, exercise, to walk the dog and get fresh air. Earlier this week new restrictions were added in an attempt to keep people from congregating that shut down beaches, lakes, and trails. It’s our new normal.

My walks outside are getting a little more frequent, to the delight of my dog Cheyenne. Now, when greeting neighbors it’s from across the street with a smile, a wave or mouthing good morning or afternoon. Who knew, in this time of social media, we would miss the social interaction.

School Closed

The elementary school down the street that’s usually filled with kids and laughter is abandoned. Its reader board says School Closed Due to COVID-19. A sign of the times.

For the first time in a week, I ventured out to the grocery store. People were lined up outside, six feet apart, waiting for their turn to get inside and shop. A worker greeted me at the door and wiped down my cart with sanitizer. I walked inside donning a face mask and gloves and I wasn’t the only one. Again, our new normal.

The hardest thing for many of us is not being able to see our family and friends in person. My parents are in their 80s and I worry about them. I encourage them to stay inside and hope they won’t venture out for a ride. But, I know boredom is setting in. I have to believe people are taking this virus seriously and staying at home.

Author: Patty Lane

1 thought on “Friends & Family – Coping with COVID-19

  1. Just listened to your podcast. Great job. Hi to the family. Glad everyone is staying safe. Jim and I are ok. Doing what we have to do. Great to hear you both.

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